Interview Aicha Ndaw

LAM Getzner

What was your best memory since the beginning of this adventure?

"My fondest memory as an influencer was my trip to Dubai. A great experience for me as it was the first time! And I also made some great new friends."

How would you define your editorial line?

"My editorial line is effectively one unisex between fashion and beauty as you can see through my posts and partnerships.

I like to share everything about fashion and beauty. I also study fashion."

What does the mess mean to you?

"For me the BAZIN really represents African culture and elegance."

The inspiring advice of Aïcha Ndaw

"If I had to give a message to women, it's to be confident and always fight for what you want to achieve, especially for black women, never give up because unfortunately society makes you have to fight "twice as hard" to succeed."


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