Fashion, culture, science...
Drink tea (or coffee) and read us!

Washing your Mama Getzner bazin

We've got all the tips you need to wash your Mama Gertzner bazin and keep its shine!

Recognizing a real mess

We give you tips on how to recognize an authentic rich bazaar!

Women in power: three Senegalese women influencers to watch closely

Khoudia Diop, Coumba Gawlo Seck and Aïcha Ndaw [...]

The interview of Aïcha Ndaw

Discover the universe and the personality of Aïcha Ndaw, the influential woman of the moment.

"If I had to give a message to women, it would be to have confidence in them and always fight to achieve your goals. Especially for black women, never give up, because unfortunately, society means that you have to fight twice as hard... to succeed."

Aïcha Ndaw